Facebook Spam | Trojan | Virus - posing as plugin installer

A new form of Spam | Trojan | Virus, posing as Flash or other plugin installer - originated from Facebook Friend Feed. It posts spam on your and your friends' wall and also have the ability to affect your computer.

People, there is a new attack site or link (originated from Facebook) with the following patternĀ  (emphasize on point 3 below, posing as Flash or other Plugin installer):

  1. It is posted on your friend feed because one or more of your friend's PC was attacked. (BTW, it may appear on your wall, even if you didn't click - in case the compromised friend of yours has the access to post on your wall. This normally happens through tagging. When the virus posts on your friend's wall, it may also tag you. So it will appear on your wall too. So if you fear that one or some of your friends FB account is compromised, then temporarily disallow him/them to post on your wall from Facebook privacy setting)
  2. Once you click the link, if you're logged-in on Facebook, it will post the same crap from your profile.
  3. You are logged in or not, in either case, it will try to play a video after that, and after a few seconds, it will say
    "Plug-in not installed, click to install plugin" - or something similar.
    It looks something similar, when your browser doesn't have Flash player installed.
  4. When you click this, it'll download and try to install an exe file which is actually some sort of Trojan | virus.

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